Health and Fitness

Essential Dental Care Tips

Having an alluring smile and proper oral health necessitates daily commitment. Oral care involves regular maintenance and checkups of teeth, gums, and other mouth features. Healthy teeth not only enable us to masticate food properly, but they also are critical to the overall well-being.

Dental issues are characterized by tooth-pains, bad odor, broken teeth, and sometimes bloody gums. The mentioned problems are expensive to treat and sometimes lead to medical complications. If you don’t take care of your dental hygiene, you could be in need of dental root canals Memphis way or near to your location. This procedure can be prevented. Below are essential dental care tips that have worked wonders for my oral health.

Calcium-Rich Diets are Great

Calcium is considered the most abundant mineral in our bodies. This compound plays a vital role in dental health. It’s a component of the enamel, the outer element that protects our teeth from sensitivity, erosion, and decay. As people age, calcium in their teeth start eroding, and this causes our enamel to weaken.

It’s therefore important to consume calcium-rich foods to protect our enamels and to fortify our teeth. Calcium is also known to promote healthy gums, thus preventing gum diseases. I recommend the following calcium-rich food: fish, almonds, leafy greens, orange juice, beans, and milk.

Floss Daily

Proper oral care requires the right flossing technique. Flossing refers to the act of removing plaque that has racked up between teeth. Gaps between teeth are the ideal place where the plaque is deposited and starts to rot. This decomposition ultimately leads to tooth decay and toothache. I floss my teeth daily to counter this problem. I use my thumb and forefingers to slide the floss in between my teeth gently. An interdental brush should come in handy for people with large tooth gaps. My ideal time for flossing is right before I brush my teeth.

Brush After Every Meal

According to dental experts, we should brush our teeth thoroughly after every meal. Foods and drinks high in carbohydrates and sugars are the perfect breeding ground for bacteria. These bacteria then attack the enamel within 20 minutes of consuming such meals. This might be even dangerous for kids as they often forget to wash their mouths after munching on something. This can lead to dental cavities that might cause a lot of pain. you may then have to look for pediatric dentists in your region (by searching for kids dental practice near me on the internet) who can remove the cavity from your kid’s tooth and fill it to prevent any further infections. This is why it is essential to inculcate the practice of brushing after every meal. Proper brushing eliminates harmful bacteria and keeps your teeth safe.

I prefer using fluoride paste and a soft-bristle toothbrush. I spend at least two minutes brushing while ensuring that I clean all teeth sections and gums. It’s also advisable to avoid aggressive brushing since it might lead to tooth abrasion. This practice is common among people wearing traditional braces since food particles often get trapped between them. However, people who wear invisible braces from brands like Invisalign Vancouver (or elsewhere) may not always face this problem. Invisalign is a removable plastic aligner that offers greater comfort and convenience as you can take it out while eating, drinking, brushing your teeth, and flossing. In any case, standard toothbrushes should be replaced after three months, while electric toothbrush heads should be replaced after two months.

Use Mouthwash

There is nothing more embarrassing than bad breath or halitosis. Although brushing might solve such problems, mouthwashes ensure fresh breaths and cleaner mouths. Besides, mouthwashes are equipped with antiseptic properties that inactivate bacterial plaque. Mouthwashes also penetrate teeth crevices where toothbrushes are unable to reach.

I rinse my mouth daily with mouthwash after brushing my tooth. However, I avoid using mouthwashes with alcohol content. Alcohol is considered to be an irritant that lowers saliva secretion and makes the mouth dry. A dry mouth increases the vulnerability of teeth to bacteria.

Dental Checkups

Preventive dental care requires us to visit a dentist (who, by the way, can be found at Lovett Dental- at least twice within three months. Regular dental checks help at detecting our oral and tooth issues early. Once such problems are detected, they can be treated before they advance to a critical stage.

Avoid Tobacco Products

Smoking and the general use of tobacco products has often been linked to dental issues. Studies have linked smoking to oral cancer, bad breath, plaque, tooth decay, tartar, gum diseases, and decolorization. Smokers are six times likely to contract periodontal diseases. Chemicals in tobacco products instigate these issues by interfering with saliva flow and affecting blood circulation in the gum tissue. Smokers will never achieve good oral care as long as they continue smoking.

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