Health and Fitness

How to Fit Exercise into a Busy Schedule

If you are someone who lives a very busy life, then you are probably trying to carve out some time each day for you to do an exercise routine or just any form of physical activity that will help your physical and mental well-being.

It is not easy to fit it into your daily routine when work takes up a big part of your day, but, with the right strategies in place to work around it, you can find time for exercise to help you get yourself moving and feeling fit.

Why a Fitness Routine Can Help Reduce Stress

You have probably heard that physical activity can help with your mental health, and that is very true.

Exercise has a few anti-anxiety benefits.

With the increased oxygen to the brain tissue and muscles, as well as a natural endorphin rush through movement, you can get a boost in mood that will help with productivity and give you more energy to tackle the day or get over the lunch break slump.

Going for a brisk walk or doing custom workout routines for your body can help with strengthening immunity and reducing physical as well as mental tension in the body.

A good workout equals a happy and healthy body, what’s not to love?

So, if you have been stressed lately with either your work week getting on top of you or your personal life just taking it out of you, then fitting exercise into your daily routine will be beneficial for your body and your brain.

How to Fit Exercise into a Busy Schedule

You are aware of the benefits, now it is time to see if you can work around your hectic lifestyle and create an effective workout that will boost your mood and your health.

Prefer Home Workouts and Create Your Own Home Gym

If the thought of commuting to a gym or finding time for outdoor activities seems daunting, consider embracing home workouts as a convenient alternative. The beauty of home workouts lies in their flexibility, allowing you to seamlessly incorporate exercise into your routine whenever you have a spare moment, be it early mornings, late evenings, or during short breaks throughout the day.

To facilitate an effective home workout routine, consider setting up a dedicated space for a home gym. This can be as simple as transforming a spare room, a corner of your living room, or even utilizing your garage area. Invest in basic equipment such as resistance bands, dumbbells, a yoga mat, or a treadmill to create a functional workout zone tailored to your preferences and fitness goals. Don’t underestimate the impact of having a designated exercise area within your home – it can serve as a constant reminder and motivator to prioritize your well-being.

When creating your home gym, having a skilled handyman by your side can make the process much smoother. They can help assemble equipment, mount mirrors or storage units, and even build custom workout areas to optimize space and functionality. To find a reliable professional, simply search online for “handyman near me in Fresno” or a similar term tailored to your location.

Look At Doing HIIT (High-Intensity Interval Training)

What is good about this type of workout is that you don’t have to be doing it for too long to feel and see the benefit.

It will provide the most bang for your time and it won’t matter how busy you are, because the exercises don’t last too long.

Pick An Activity

Choose a particular activity (push-ups, burpees, jumping jacks, jump rope, squat with overhead press, etc.) and do it for 10 to 20 seconds then follow it with a 40 to 50-second recovery time.

Do your chosen exercise for about 15 rounds, but don’t forget to warm up for 10 minutes beforehand so you don’t harm yourself, and make sure that you cool down for the same amount of time.

It helps keep your metabolism going even after you have finished and you will be able to shed a lot of calories by doing these kinds of intense workouts.

You Can’t Do It All Yourself

You don’t need a certified personal trainer to do all of these workouts, but if you need help with doing them correctly, then you can always get in touch with a personal trainer vancouver, or one near you, to instruct and demonstrate the right form for maximum benefit.

Find a Workout Buddy

Working out with someone can actually make you stick to your exercise routine as you are each supporting the other and cheering them on to keep going.

Motivation is a big part of exercising, and it can be hard to get yourself going if you are tackling it alone.

What Can You Do Together?

If you work together you can go for a brisk walk during your lunch break, or if you are at school or college, you can run around the track at the campus in between classes or at the end of the day.

A busy schedule can be demanding, but with someone in your corner, you both have that drive to do more and you are in the same boat when it comes to time constraints.

Cut Short Your Commute

When you are traveling to work, whether that is on a bus or train, or you are driving yourself, it will benefit your fitness if you park further away from the office or you get off a few stops earlier to get your steps in and ready for the day.

The walk can wake you up and focus you for the day ahead.

Going from your front door to your office sitting down is not good for you, especially if you spend most of the day sitting at a desk.

You won’t need to do loads of exercises to help your physical health, even just an extended walk can be good for you overall.

Do Nighttime Workouts

These can be quite hard for people to do, especially if they have been running around the whole day and need a break.

However, you don’t necessarily need to do an actual full workout to get the benefits of working out, you can do gentle exercises such as pilates and yoga that will still add toward your physical activity without you having to tire yourself out.

Any workout that can help you unwind will be great, and it will aid you in getting a restful night’s sleep which can be hard to do if you are wired from work or you are feeling a lot of stress.

Do It Whilst Watching TV

You can get it a good workout or stretching routine by watching television in your living room.

You don’t have to leave the house, all you need to do is set up your equipment in front of the television and get going.

If you have a treadmill or exercise bike, you can get on it and just go for it whilst doing an activity you enjoy.

This can make the time pass even faster and if you like to watch television at the end of the day or at the weekends to destress, then doing a little bit of a workout will be a good choice.

We tell ourselves we don’t have time for exercise, but sometimes, that is because when it gets to the actual time we have for ourselves, all we want to do is sit back and relax.

Even if you just do it for 30 minutes, 30 minutes of exercise is better than nothing and you can go back to unwinding very soon, and you never know, the exercises might just help you relax as well.

Do It At Your Desk

If you really can’t get away from your desk and you need to stay close because you are waiting for an important call or email, then you can do some exercises at your desk that won’t take up much room and will help you get in what you need to do.

Exercises You Can Do At Your Desk

  • Leg Lifts
  • Arm Rotations
  • Chair Squats
  • Ab Twists
  • High Knees
  • Desk Push-Ups
  • Toe Raises
  • Inner Thigh Squeezes

Any one of these will make you feel the burn, so it would be worth it to just do a few rounds of these when you are sitting down.

If you do get a chance to get away, then you may want to go on a quick walk around the office and take the stairs instead of the elevator to help get your heart pumping.


Living a busy lifestyle can be tough, and if you have kids as well, you feel like you barely have any time to do anything.

But, with a few tweaks here and there, you will be able to spend a little more time on your exercising, and you won’t feel like you are slacking off or not doing enough to keep yourself fit and healthy.

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